When window blinds and shades stop working it is usually just because they are old and worn out. Sometimes they are damaged by small children, large children, pets or other forces of nature. Not so often, the damage is the result of carelessness and abuse.

Because of the expense involved, replacement of window coverings is usually something that most people will try to avoid for as long as possible. At the same time, a blind that doesn’t work can be very annoying and that can lead to damage caused by carelessness and abuse.

The purpose of this website is to

  • explain how and why blinds fail
  • describe what repairs are possible
  • show you how to do the repair
  • advise you when to give up and buy a new one

I’ve been working at this trade for almost 25 years. I’m sure to forget some things. If you are interested in a topic that I’m not covering just go to the Contact page and send me an e-mail. I’ll try to answer your questions as best I can.

Happy Repairing!